Earth work Site development and backfilling / for (Valve station) pipe line project
Mobilization of all equipment and manpower in a sufficient quantity to undertake the SERVICES as per Subcontract. Surface preparation prior to starting backfilling, including removal of 150 mm topsoil and all other duties. Supply and install select fill material regardless of depth including, but not limited to, hauling, loading/unloading, transporting, handling, placing, compaction, and testing (measured in place); SAND.
Supply and install select fill material regardless of depth including, but not limited to, hauling, loading/unloading, transporting, handling, placing, compaction, and testing (measured in-place); MARL.
Compaction and testing (measured in place); PLANTING. Excavation regardless of depth including, but not limited to, removal and disposal of excess material to a dump site approved by SAUDI ARAMCO. Disposal of excess material beyond the Agreed km from the WORK Site.